Living the Dream
Upon arrival in Phoenix -- Ice still on the Coach roof! I'm back! Just re-read my last post. Yikes!! Some days just don't go well, and that was one of them. Sorry to leave you hanging in such a awkward part of the story. But now, "for the rest of the story" . . . . . First of all, on that day, I woke up to the reality of my coach life -- that there are some things that are just not comfortable about it. Sleeping in it in temperatures that are lower than I prepared for or expected is one of them. Another is preparing to spend the winter in it in a cold climate -- definitely not comfortable to even consider . . . but consider it I did! And then there was the whole, "Ok, I got the RV, and I was actually able to drive it somewhere, and load a car on a car caddy, and pull that behind it." ------ Now what??? With Thanksgiving fast approaching, and relatives to visit up and down the front range of Colorado, and visitors coming...