Flower Power

These little critters are like flies at a picnic. They are everywhere!

A passerby directed me as I shot this photo, "Hey, there's six more over here, and there's 2 more over there."  I'm sure I looked no different that an Asian tourist at Disneyland to her.

Just like the deer, the hungry people come to the Soup Kitchen where I've been helping out. My responsibilities have included cleaning and organizing the pantry, assisting with food pick-ups, and general good will towards volunteers and "clients". 

On one of the food pick-ups the store florist offered  old flowers to us.  Without hesitation, we scooped them up, and stopped at a Rehabilitation Center before returning to the Kitchen. Just like the deer, and just like meal time at the Soup Kitchen, "clients" were everywhere.  Joy and tears flowed as we distributed the bouquets.

Obviously there are better places for those flowers that the trash can.

Today I have more flowers, and a recruitment plan for help to continue the distribution process. I hope to have the power of flowers take on the characteristics of those deer --- prevalent everywhere!


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