There's No Place Like Home!

True confessions time: I'm not an avid sports fan. I don't know how the teams compare to each other, and I can't list the star players' names and stats. I do however, love to watch a great game, regardless of rankings, league, or player status. I love all that goes into the game in addition to the teams and their coaches --- the food, the half-time entertainment, the commercials, and especially unexpected events like a 34-minute electrical delay. Of course I'm speaking specifically about this year's Super Bowl, which I completely expected to miss to take advantage of the pool at the Arizona Biltmore Resort this weekend. However, clouds and rain changed my plan. Instead of snoozing on a lounge chair, I opted for an overstuffed chair in my hotel room. Little did I know I was in for a big treat. Football games are a little too slow moving for me. Plays are timed to fit in commercial breaks, and a one-hour game turns into a 3-hour vi...