There's No Place Like Home!

I do however, love to watch a great game, regardless of rankings, league, or player status. I love all that goes into the game in addition to the teams and their coaches --- the food, the half-time entertainment, the commercials, and especially unexpected events like a 34-minute electrical delay.
Of course I'm speaking specifically about this year's Super Bowl, which I completely expected to miss to take advantage of the pool at the Arizona Biltmore Resort this weekend. However, clouds and rain changed my plan. Instead of snoozing on a lounge chair, I opted for an overstuffed chair in my hotel room. Little did I know I was in for a big treat.
Football games are a little too slow moving for me. Plays are timed to fit in commercial breaks, and a one-hour game turns into a 3-hour viewing experience. Movies are also dissected and shown in a similar manner. So, imagine my surprise when I discovered that pairing the two gave me the opportunity to watch the Ravens beat the 49ers and Sex and the City 2 at the same time!
By the end of the game, my masculine and feminine sides were perfectly relaxed and balanced. And I realized that what I expected to get out of my resort experience could have been just as easily attainable in front of the tv screen in my coach.
The Biltmore grounds are beautifully manicured, its architecture the classic Frank Lloyd Wright that I love, but when it came right down to it, no amount of resort pampering could make up for viewing the game without having my favorite snacks at my fingertips and my comfy pillows within reach. Just goes to show, there truly is no place like home.
Now, that the Super Bowl and my stay at the 5-star resort is over, it's time to get back to Spring Training Baseball. Tune in tomorrow for the latest stadium updates, and soon, the team's arrival!
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