Brrrrrrrr. . .. . ...

I just glanced at my profile picture and find it hard to believe that Phoenix is really as warm as it is ---- all the time!

We had our first snow showers last night, and the lightest of snowflakes fell out of a sunny sky this morning. 

I have been toying with winterizing the coach since Sunday, and still am considering options for keeping the water pipes from freezing and deciding between heating options for the winter.  I had a long conversation with my friend in the Park office, and afterwards concluded that I'll be heading south or in permanent quarters for the winter months.

It was never part of the plan to live through a cold winter in this cozy place, and considering it has put me face to face with how far my adventurous spirit will take me.  Even I have limits.

There are already options on the drawing board.  What others should I consider? -- Any suggestions?


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