Attitude is Everything.

I shaved my cat yesterday.
Cat grooming is as common as dog grooming in Arizona where she and I have lived for most of our life together. It's been an annual ritual between us for about 8 years now.
Both of us appreciate the perks of her spring shave.  She absolutely, clearly, communicates how proud she is of her new naked self, and I don't have to deal with gooey hairballs and other assorted remnants of the shedding process.
This year, with our move to Colorado for the summer,  I put it off, thinking that she might need that a winter coat for some chilly -- or even snowy, April nights.
We've had a few cool nights since we arrived, but not cold enough for Cat to hold on to her fur.  oh my!  Every day, and every night, she's pulling at her belly hair, you know, the really soft stuff, that comes out in tuffs?  Yes, that's it, all gooed up with cat saliva and tossed wherever she may be seated at the time.
 This year she's obviously miffed that I haven't taken care of her personal care in a more timely matter.  And, this year I am amazed at how much additional cleaning time I've had to put into the coach just to compensate for her molting.
So, yesterday I put an end to both of our miseries. I oiled up the ol' clippers, had me a set on the picnic bench outside the motor coach, grabbed my kitty, and sheered her clean in about 15 minutes.  I think that's a new record.
And certainly the way she has responded is setting a new record too.  She is proud and spunky, more this year than ever.  Finally, I have tended to my responsibilities as a cat's servant, and have set our world right again.
So, her she is.

Hah!  Surprise!  You thought you were going to see some adorably cute pet, didn't you?  Look at her, with her belly hanging low, and that mottled skin!

She's practically down-right ugly --- except --- for that stinkin' adorable attitude of hers.  She just thinks she is really something special when she gets her summer shave.

Remarkable what a difference a little confidence makes, isn't it?


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