Rained Out

Yesterday we prepared for today's rains.  Oh, and did they come. One cloud burst right after another.

Rain. Wind. Hail. Game delayed.  Game on. Game delayed. Game on.

Forty degrees. Wet and cold.

Inning after inning fans and workers nestled together in any bit of shelter they could find.

Any person in their right mind could see that the weather was not fit for man, beast, or baseball, but the show went on.  Whispers of when the game would be called circulated among the stadium staff, along with the inside info that ticket refunds would not be given if the team played a pre-determined number of innings.

By the fourth inning even God had had enough.  A clap of thunder and a bolt of lightning came out of the sky and the game was finally and officially declared "rained out".

I could tell you how miserable it was, especially cleaning up after all that, and how I came home wet, and dirty, and tired, and chilled to the bone. But as you can see from the images below, "A good time was had by all."  And, despite the physical discomfort, in a strange sort of way, it really was just another great day at the ball park.

On other days, this gal's legs were burned by the sun in this location.  Today her pant legs are soaked, and she continues to smile, and giggle, and sell beer. 

Wait, umbrella and sunglasses --- what's it going to be ladies??
Fans hover and laugh in front of our kitchen "wall", a tarp---and the only shelter from the wind. Above the rain drips through the sun screen and these folks look dry ---but they're not! 

What can I say? I think men thrive on these crazy conditions. They loved this!

Just simply adorable, right?

Really, seriously, this was a cold, wet, windy, crappy day.
Attitude is everything.

SEE??? That's HAIL!
No score yet, we're waiting through the 45 minute game starting delay.

Another great day at the ballpark!  :)


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