Out in Left Field!

Can you believe it?  I was actually invited on to the field. . . but not without strings attached.

The stadium grounds crew was preparing for rain and asked our team to help maneuver an oversized tarp out of storage and over the field.

Of course I graciously offered my assistance.

Check out how the event unfolded.

First the assembled the team.

Then, I helped with leadership and direction.

With Step 1 completed, we each grabbed a tarp handle and ran in unison to spread the tarp length-wise.

Once unrolled the heavy tarp became a sea of billowing waves.

With the process nearly completed, I took the opportunity to look around.

Always willing to help, I moved unnecessary equipment out of the way.

I did a little cleaning up,

and checked out the equipment.

Finally, I took a well deserved rest.

How fortunate I am.  Not everyone can enjoy a day out in left field.


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