A Picture is Worth A Thousand Emotions

The last time I went into the phone store to upgrade my cell phone I looked for one that was just a phone. "No such thing on your plan," the clerk told me. "Besides, it's good to have the camera on the phone, in case you are in a car accident, or something like that."  

Really? My mother always told me about wearing clean undies in case I was in a car accident, but now I have to carry a camera too?  

Like most of my generation I don't understand the fascination with phone cameras and caring a cache of images in my hands 24 hours a day. Of course needing glasses to see those tiny photos is probably part of the turn off. Oh don't get me wrong. I love my photos as much as the next person. But, I continually and carefully to edit my collection.

Photographs capture so much more than an image. They are full of memory triggers --- which can be good or bad. They take us back to the past -- which can be good or bad. Seriously, photos of some of the most momentous moments of your life can be marred by what was going on in your head at the time. If you don't believe it, just take a good long look at some of your favorites and you'll see exactly what I mean.

The annual Thanksgiving weekend is big at my ex-husband's home. Each of us travel many hours to meet and celebrate family solidarity. Every blessing that binds us together makes the weekend an amazing event full of story-telling, laughter, and love. And, from the signs, obviously this was an extra special holiday celebration.  Next year a little one will join our table. Could life be any better?  

Every time I look at this photo I am filled with overwhelming joy. I can hear the laughter, feel the crisp air and sunshine, and remember the fine breakfast we just finished. It is filled with pure love. This is what photos are all about --- capturing all that is good in life. This one's a keeper.


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