What's a Workamper to do?

The excitement is building among staff members as we move closer to Opening Day.  The beer and pepsi trucks delivered products yesterday, the coolers were installed in the concession stands, the lawnmower is in continual motion on the field, and this guy showed up to work on the graphics over the dugout.

In the next few days additional tents will be erected, the peanuts will be delivered, and signage of all sorts will be installed.  It's really fun to see it all come together.  Talk about feeling like you're making progress!

I'm a big believer in living in the moment, and I treasure every day I work here at the stadium. But, within weeks Spring Training Baseball Season 2013 will be history. And my job here will be over.

Workampers like me must always be on the lookout for our next gig. "Here today, gone tomorrow" is a way of life, so securing steady employment can be somewhat of a challenge. The right resources make all the difference. Search the web and you'll find seasonal opportunities on sites like CoolWorks.com, or SeasonalEmployment.com.  Specific for workampers are sites like Workamper.com and HappyVagabonds.com. Successful workampers know the importance of monitoring all of these sites on a regular basis to keep the paychecks coming.

The most interesting source I've found is The Caretaker Gazette. Not specific to workampers, their email alerts offer positions across the world, housing often included. Anything from caring for someone's cats at their flat in England for a couple of weeks to running a ranch in Australia is listed.  Of course there are plenty of US jobs posted, but some of the most interesting positions to me include house-sitting in Spain for the entire winter season, and managing an estate in France -- for which the pay was $100,000 with a disclaimer that stated that you may be required to work a few extra hours when the family was there during the holidays. Wow! Not even full-time residents to service??

I can't believe the amazing variety and excessive number of jobs available around the country and the world. Hard to believe that anyone would want for a job when, with a little bit of effort and ingenuity all these great opportunities can be had. One of the most out-of-the-ordinary posts showed up this week:
CARETAKER(S) NEEDED. Management and maintenance skills required as caretaker(s) oversee the airport and maintain the grounds of the Trona Airport. Applicants must have aircraft and airport knowledge. Must have a high degree of tact, good judgment, and sincerity in dealing professionally with people and have the ability to get along with airport patrons... Applications are available at the Trona Community Senior Center. 
Maintaining an airport .. .  at a Senior Center? I didn't check on all the details, but this ad just goes to show that there are no limits to what employers may be search for. Granted, qualifications may require skills and education beyond our scope, but just the awareness that these types of opportunities exist inspires and encourages me.  I know that there are plenty of adventures ahead. Today Spring Training Baseball in Tempe, Arizona --- tomorrow. . . well, who knows!

*I'll be posting photos of our progress at the stadium on my Facebook page.  Check out my Spring Training Baseball 2013 album to view the pics!


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