Honor Thy President

Did you know that President's Day was originally established to honor George Washington on his birthday, February 22?  

However, in 1971, as part of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, the holiday date was changed as was its purpose: to honor the service of all presidents, past and present.  

Can you imagine a day at the office for the president? It's hard to do with all the pomp and circumstance that surrounds him. But, in more than a few ways his world parallels our own:  
The president is required to participate in world politics, just like we are required to get along with our neighbors, be they friends or enemies. 
The president must provide for the needs of its citizens, in the same way we must keep our own families fed and housed. 
The president must manage the feuding members of congress, just like we have to manage our workplace relationships.
Now obviously this is a very simplistic view of the president's many roles. Maybe you see it very differently. It makes no matter. What does matter is that today you make a conscious effort to recognize their service to our country, and dare I say . . . even pray for them?

...for there is no authority except that which God has established...  Romans 13:1 


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