What's the Limit?

What is my coach height?
After the car was loaded on to the dollie, and the coach warmed up I set out for Gallup, New Mexico.

Ready for a warm bed and a good night's sleep, I stopped on the east side of town and checked out hotel options on my iphone. After choosing one on the west side of town, I turned on the frontage road and started that way.

Nine pm, 16 degrees, and three quarters of the way there I stopped at an underpass warning sign indicating that I had 13'2" clearance.

I stopped right where I was. How tall was my rig? Could I make it?

Not willing to suffer the consequences, I decided that I would not continue on my route.  However, turning around required unloading the car, unhooking the tow dollie, turning the coach around with a dozen small maneuvers on the narrow old road, re-attaching the tow dollie, and reloading the car. Did I mention that it was 9pm, 16 degrees, snowy and icy and dark?

Well, I did it. And, quite effortlessly I might add.

I have searched my owner's manuals and vehicle tags to find my height limit but have not found it yet.  I guarantee before I hit the road again I will know that number.


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