This is Only a Mountain

Probably my least favorite part of living the workamper life is changing jobs and locations every season. Some say that those are two of the top ten most stressful activities in life and I can see why. This season's move has been filled with stressing opportunities.

In addition to what I shared in Diggin' Out about not being able to start my rig's engine in the cold, blowing a tire in transit, and running into road blocks, I discovered more needed repairs when I connected to a water source at my new location.
Old Cracked Water Heater
New Water Heater
Beautiful, isn't it?  That's my new $900 water heater. I know it isn't much to look at, but when I spend that kind of money I really want to show off my purchase. 

Good thing I have a job, right? Well, returning to my Angels Spring Training gig I knew what to expect as far as money and hours, but was surprised when my new boss gave me a 15 hour/week limit until we get closer to Opening Day. New boss, new year, new information, what can you do?

I'm not one to stress about money usually, but this double-hitter really caught me off-guard. 

Interestingly and completely unaware of what I was doing, I caught myself singing the new single released by Jason Castro, This is only a Mountain

Do you know it? The song echos one of the many great promises found in the Bible.
                                              "This is only a mountain, 
                                              You don't have to find your way around it, 
                                              Tell it to move, it'll move, 
                                              Tell it to fall, it'll fall..."

Ok, ok, I realize that in the big scheme of things my little financial shortfall is not really a mountain.  It just feels like it in the moment. 

Isn't that the way it is when we're hit with new information and unexpected challenges? Left without adult supervision our brains can turn our molehill circumstances into mountains of anxiety. But it doesn't have to be that way. The cool thing is that we have the power to control our thoughts.

Immediately I tell myself that I am quite capable of "managing my mountain" and set actions into motion that will relieve my stressful situation.

Ahhh, already I can see and feel that mountain start crumbling.

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."    --- Matt 17:20


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