To Pass, or not to Pass

Wolf Creek Pass Summit, The Continental Divide
Today I took a scouting trip in the car over Wolf Creek Pass. For those of you unfamiliar with this section of Colorado roadway, check out the description, and the song lyrics written about one trucker's scarey drive over it at

I've been over it many times in my life. The first time was life changing.  The aspen trees that dotted the roadside were decked out in their autumn gold-guilded leaves, against a sky bluer than I could have ever imagined possible.  The Rio Grande River headwaters ran icy clear, trickling over boulders and massive tree trunks along the road's edge.  As the elevation increase, the river disappeared and my attention was drawn to acres and acres, and acres of aspens, pines, and rocky peaks.

Today was no different.  It was as spectacular as I remember it. 

And now, 30 years later, after massive improvements, expanded roads, and smoothed out curves, it still demands respect from the motorists that travel it.  Warning signs and Runaway Truck Ramps are still frequently in view, and carry heavy penalties to those who do not heed them.

It was a beautiful drive, a gorgeous day. One that won't be repeated behind the wheel of the coach... I'll take the southern route!

Rio Grande River, South Fork, CO


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