Saturday Morning

Some of you are familiar with the TV program called Sunday Morning.  It includes segments on various subject matters interspersed with commentaries and opinions.  Today's Blog's title is inspired by that program with a casual twist.

Several of you have written to me and asked questions, so here are the answers:

How am I liking it, and is it getting old yet? 
I am loving it!  I'm really enjoying the simplicity of it.  Everything you need and nothing you don't.  A few epiphanies that I have had:

I cleaned the entire coach, front to back, bathroom, kitchen, even vacuuming and it took me a whole 40 minutes!  Fantastic! Much better that a whole day of house cleaning!

I can sit at my kitchen table and reach books on my living room couch without taking a step. 

The kitchen counter doubles as an end table for the living room, no dusting required.

Are you cooking or eating out?  Doing dishes or disposable everything?
Since I've been at the Soup Kitchen quite a bit, I eat once a day there. (There's always plenty and it's great to sit down to listen to people's stories.)  I've had dinner with Nick and Kristen at their home almost every night since I have been here.  Sometimes I cook for them, and sometimes they cook for me.

Last night I cooked dinner here in the coach for the first time. Once I found where, and how to light the oven's pilot light, -- after referring to the Owner's Manual . . . again --- the meal was a snap to prepare, and delicious.

I have to admit that after dinner I thought about loading the dishes in the dishwasher to get them out of sight as soon as possible and chuckled to myself when I realized how silly it was of me to think of a dishwasher in my confined space.  But, since there's not much to mess up, there's not much to clean up!

I have paper plates and disposable cups with me, but prefer to use my sterling silver flatware, plates, dishes, and cups as much as possible -- even it I'm cooking up a quick batch of oatmeal in the morning.  It brings an element of civility to what could be a pretty primitive eating experience otherwise. Flowers on the dining table brighten the entire coach and add to my dining pleasure.

What about laundry?
Anticipating my needs, my darling daughter-in-law was quick to offer their machines for my convenience --- complete with treated water so my digs in the coach are soft to the skin and static free - not bad for "camping".  I'm sure that I'll have to use a Laundromat at some point, so I'm appreciating their facilities greatly right now.

And now we turn our attention to the Cat:

Is Cat is enjoying her new home?
Cat has proudly taken on the attitude that I purchased this rig for her very own comfort, enjoyment, and pleasure.  Similar to a home anywhere else she has lived (or visited), she has found a warm soft spot to curl up for napping any time of the day. She has also discovered the private deck in the front of the coach (aka, dashboard), designed specifically for her viewing pleasure as she is able to sit well above most of the activity that she is observing, and she can display her superior demeanor to passers-by who happen to catch a glimpse of her should they raise their heads high enough to see her.

Currently the shower stall has been converted to her very own private lavatory, complete with wall-to-wall carpeting underneath her box, with an additional throw rug in the hallway to catch the sand that she loves to toss around the entire coach.  (Again, no big deal, since the clean-up is no big deal.)

She has a scratching pad in the bedroom, directly in front of the heating vent, which she adores after she comes in from her multiple trips outside to check on the very latest happenings in the park. She quickly learned that her soft meow can be heard inside the coach which signals to me that she would like me to open the door for her.  Apparently something scared her at some point and she has adjusted that signal from a meow to a pounce on the metal step just outside the coach door, which initiates the same response from me, her doorman.  She stays fairly close to the coach, and always seeks shelter from any threats by hopping up on one of the wheels under the coach in the even that her doorman is off duty, or away from the property.

Quite amusing to me, she has learned to follow just a few steps behind me when I go for walks around the park.  Maybe someday I will be able to lead her on a leash if we keep practicing this interesting routine.  One day we walked to the back of the property where an alpaca was tethered to a tree, grazing.  It stunned her and her response was so intense that I had to laugh out loud at her.  I don't think she's ever seen large animal before, because the horses in the pasture beyond also seemed to instigate the same curious response.

Does she mind the movement of the RV while you are on the road? 
I think she's fine with the movement of the coach while on the road.  The only time I see or hear from her is when I stop the vehicle. She walks out of the bedroom and meows, maybe just to remind me that she's back there and would appreciate some stillness.  She's so used to traveling now that when I take her anywhere in the car with me she sits on my lap and her nose is practically glued to the window checking out the scenery passing by.  She's become my lap kitty. 

And now, a thank you to my readers:

Thank you to all of you who are reading "The Blog".  Just like you, I'm not sure how to use this new technology, so if you did figure out how to "become a follower", congratulations.  However, apparently, according to my dear daughter-in-law, I have to link my followers back to me.  Since I'm not sure what that means, and how to do it, bear with me a while longer and I'll figure it out in the coming week.  All of us "techno-sauruses" will learn together. 

Continually learning ---- on the coach, on the internet, something new every day!

That's it for now, I'm headed out of my tin-dominium for a Halloween party tonight.  More to come tomorrow. 

For now, I leave you with views of my humble home.

How about this for an efficient kitchen!
Table for 4

My delightfully comfy and cozy bedroom!

The Living Room & "Bridge"

Just one of many favorite places.


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