Coach, Car, Plane & Trolley Car

Well, I've been absent for a few days, my apologies to my loyal readers! 

I've been winterizing the coach in preparation for a trip to Phoenix --- to fly to San Francisco for a few days --- then back to the coach to my early winter options.

With that being said we'll start with winterizing.  Not much to it, just getting all of the water out of all of the places that the water is stored.  The one place that I forgot was my flower pitcher on kitchen table.  Of all the help that I received from fellow rver's in the process, no one mentioned that vessel! 

The coach is officially in storage for the next two weeks. Colette, my sweet friend and park receptionist,  asked if I was planning to stay with them on a monthly basis when I returned. I am undecided.  Yesterday I woke to the first hard frost of the season, fresh snow on the mountain tops, and the thermometer's mercury continues to fall. I'm not sure that my warm-blooded Phoenix body can handle that much crisp mountain air continually oozing through the coach's nooks and crannies.

Colette began living out of her coach on December 1st of last year.  Brave and crazy soul.  She invited me to join her and several others who live at the park through the winter.  She offered lists of tools and supplies I would need for winter months: skirting, heat tape, window film, insulation pieces to cover the upper vents, and a crock pot.  Regular pot luck dinners cure the intermittent cabin fever that the neighbors experience, hence the crock pot suggestion. 

Hmmm.  I knew I was in for an adventure with this coach life. Once again, I'm being stretched by reality's definition of "adventure".  Am I up for this one.  Only Scarlett O'Hara's response comes to mind, "I'll think about that tomorrow."

In the meantime, Cat and I made the drive down to Phoenix late last night.  She was irritable nearly the entire trip, which has never happened before and can only mean one thing.  She misses her coach, and prefers it to the car on these long trips.  Paarrrrdon me!

Friday Henry and I will join his cousin Danny, and girlfriend Julie in San Francisco (via plane).  We'll visit all the sites --- Fisherman's Wharf, Chinatown, Nob Hill, Union Square, Sonoma, Napa, Muir Woods & beach, and of course ride the trolley cars.  What a great city San Francisco is!  I look forward to seeing the sites, eating the food, drinking the wine, and laughing continually as the four of us typically do together.

I'll keep in touch, maybe not daily, but check in for sights from the city and what can be seen from outside the motor coach! 


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