
I'm in the final stages of preparing for departure.  Today I move one step closer to fulfilling my dream of living in a motor home.

Fulfilling a dream is never glamorous.  Already I have experienced great fear, unexpected challenges, and of course, monetary upheaval. 

And, preparing to live in less that 300sf is challenging the minimalism of minimalistic living that has become my daily routine.

I'm packing away personal items that I will not need in my travels. Each item is placed in the storage box with a thoughtful eulogy --- where it came from, how much I enjoyed it, how much I will miss it, and will I need it on my journey?

WAIT A MINUTE!!  Will I need it???

The panic question that drives so much of our consumer-driven American way of life.  The words that cause our homes and offices to be stuffed full like Thanksgiving turkeys. 

So, . . . I pause . . . and take a deep breath . . .

Today "what if I need it?" is trumphed by joy in choosing the necessities that will comfort me in my new home.

After all, in life, as in the motor home, it's the journey, not the stuff that's important.


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